The Michigan Recycling Coalition often gets questions about what can be recycled where. However, these types of questions are best answered through your local program. Every community has different recycling opportunities and policies regarding recycling and tuning into your local program is key.

Find more information about specific materials at the MRC What Can I Recycle page, on your county by checking the EGLE Michigan Map. You can also use the EGLE Recycling Directory to search for a specific location and/or material. Another good resource is the MRC listserv. MRC members have access to archived discussions and can post any questions or answers they may have. Not a member? Click here to find out how to join, gaining access to this and other important resources.

Some common questions and answers are listed here. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Feel free to explore the website or contact our office for the answers you need.

Have more questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch.