Where to Recycle: Curbside, Community Drop-Off and Retail Redemption Centers
Many different types of metal have been recyclable for decades. Scrap yards often accept copper, aluminum, brass, and steel. These yards can be found in almost every community in Michigan, as metal retains its value over time. Aluminum products can be recycled many, many times without losing structure or quality and are often back on the shelf within a few months of being put in your recycling bin.
The easiest way to recycle aluminum beverage cans in Michigan is by returning them to your local grocer to get your deposit back for recycling. Soup and vegetable cans, disposable aluminum baking pans or sheets, and tinfoil are all products that are typically accepted in curbside recycling programs. Ensure to rinse away any residual food before placing it in your bin, and check with your local recycling center for information about what metals they accept.
What types of this material qualify for curbside recycling?
- Aluminum beverage cans
- Aluminum foil
- Tin/steel food cans
- Tin/steel aerosol cans (Check your local program)
Why is it important to recycle this item?
Metal products are manufactured using naturally occurring minerals found deep in the earth’s crust. Harvesting these minerals takes time and energy, and uses up limited resources. Recycling metal products helps offset these economic and environmental costs. For example, manufacturing a new aluminum can from recycled aluminum takes only 5% of the energy it would take to manufacture the same can from raw materials.
What is it recycled into?
Cars, planes, Industrial containers, ductwork, food packaging, kitchen appliances, benches, lamps, furniture, cans