Metro Recycling

Most people are aware that recyclable materials are collected from households across the state, processed at a local material recovery facility, and then sent to a manufacturer who makes it into a new product. What many people don't know is that there is often another step in the process that is important - that of ensuring the efficient movement of the material from the seller to the buyer of recyclables. This is where a brokerage company comes in. 

A brokerage company's role is to connect their clients who have recyclable materials with vendors or manufacturers who need those materials. In short, they facilitate getting recyclables in the hands of those who turn them into new products in quantities that make sense for efficient transportation. 

One such company is Metro Recycling Solutions. Metro is the "largest pure recycling brokerage company in Michigan," according to their company profile. The role of a recycling broker is more complex than it may seem. In addition to ensuring materials get where they need to go, Metro also "provides program assessment, support, and education to help create the most efficient recycling process" for their clients. A more efficient process improves the recyclability of products, increase revenue, decreases costs, and more. In order to facilitate this process, Metro arranges for commodity sales and the efficient transport of materials in the supply chain. They utilize their expertise of recycled commodity markets and transportation to improve the process for their clients. 

Metro joined the growing list of Michigan companies supporting the Recycle, MI campaign as an official Recycle, MI Partner in 2020. We appreciate their support and the role they play in closing the recycling loop by connecting what you put at the curb with those who turn your waste into new products.