City of Kalamazoo

Kalamazoo may be known for an abundance of breweries, but the recycling services the City provides for its residence is equally impressive. The city began offering a curbside recycling program in the 1980s through an "opt-in" program that has now expanded to include 75% of households citywide! 

Kalamazoo provides more than just curbside pickup for single family homes. They have created a successful program to collect recycling at multi-unit residential buildings. The city examines each facility individually to provide a bin and service schedule to best meet the needs of its residents. There is also a drop-off facility open 6 days a week, for those who desire to drop off their material instead. 

The citizens of Kalamazoo stay well connected as the City offers a free mobile app to be their personal recycling coach. The app offers an abundance of services, including collection reminders about special events, and notices about changes in service. There is even a quiz to test your recycling knowledge! 

It is in this app where residents of Kalamazoo can find information about the annual spring clean-up and organic waste drive, or find the proper time to drop off household hazardous waste and electronics at no extra cost. The City of Kalamazoo exemplifies what it means to be a Recycle, MI partner as their citizens recycle where they live, work, and play! 

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