Washtenaw County Solid Waste Division

Washtenaw County's Solid Waste Division works to provide comprehensive services to its residents as well as acts as a clearinghouse for information on everything from backyard composting to zero waste events. According to Theo Eggermont, Director of Public Works, the purpose of their program "is to achieve the Solid Waste Plan goals which boils down to increasing the recycling rate, improving accessibility, safe disposal of materials, and providing the education and policy support to achieve those goals." 

The Division operates its Home Toxic Center, which is the County's household hazardous waste (HHW) program, to provide safe disposal of items such as pesticides, paints, and flammable liquids. In 2021, the program collected 515,000 pounds of HHW items for proper disposal. Another service provided to residents are the County's annual Clean-Up Days, where items such as tires, bulky waste, electronics, and scrap metal can be dropped off. During the five events held in 2021, over 503,500 pounds of material was collected. A unique program offered by the County through a public/private partnership is the School Recycling Program. According to Eggermont, the program "aims to provide recycling education to current and future generations through a holistic recycling program for almost 30 schools." The program is funded and coordinated by the County, with educational support provided by the Ecology Center and the collection of recyclable materials provided by Stevens Disposal and Recycle, Ann Arbor. A great example of how public, private, and nonprofits can work together to achieve common goals. 

Another collaborative effort by the County is the Waste Knot Program, which provides help to organizations who strive to reduce waste and increase recycling. Partners in this program include schools, faith-based organizations, retail stores, and offices. These partners benefit from a personalized site visit and action plan developed to reduce and recycle waste. 

The County's waste and recycling programs are comprehensive, informative, and collaborative with public and private partners. We are excited to have Washtenaw County as a Recycle, Michigan Partner as they are truly helping their residents recycle where they live, work, and play!